The Legend of Hoàn Kiếm
The Legend of Hoàn Kiếm is the story of a Vietnamese rebel leader named Lê Lợi who was lent a magical sword by a demi-God to push back his invading enemies. After Lê Lợi's successful campaign for Vietnamese independence and his ascension to emperor, a giant golden turtle appeared before him in a lake and asked him to return the sword. He obliged and from that day on, the lake from which the turtle emerged was named Hoàn Kiếm Lake (Lake of the Returned Sword).
- 11"x17" art printwith a 0.5" white border
- 90lbs cardstock
- The "" watermark logo will NOT appear on the actual prints.
- Frames are NOT includedAll prints will be signed by myself on the front (if you would like the signature on the back or have no signature at all, please send me a message and I will be more than happy to oblige).